Tuesday, 20 April 2010

army ants

It was about 1 am that I heard Sandy speaking to the night guard in a semi frantic voice !!! Then she knocked at my door..have you got any army ants in there she asked ? No I said but leapt out of bed to see what was going on. Sandy had had an invasion in her room and what was worse was that they had found their way under the mosquito net around her bed and she woke up to find them all through her hair and biting with determined unity ! We went to look in our visitors room and that was also invaded so Sandy decided to go over to the other mission house....I went for a torch and discovered in that few minutes they had also reached my room and the bed was a moving mass.....we decamped together to the other house much to the amusement of the night guards....what was amazing was that by 7am when I returned to investigate there was no sign of them at all they had done their spring cleaning for us of all the cockroaches and any other moving insects and then they had moved out no doubt looking for more lucrative areas to invade ! Something to be glad about as in the Pollyanna game for those who know that from their childhood.....I am glad Sandy woke me in time to avoid having them through my hair.

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