Monday, 28 February 2011

A special month

February has been a rather special month for us all at Katoka becaue of the visit of some of the Rew family from Scotland and England. I worked with Cathie and William Rew for over 40yrs here in DRCongo and still miss them very much, so it was lovely to have their daughter Elspeth and son Billy come out to visit and sort out their parents affairs.

They had a fairly hair raising trip from Lubumbashi to Katoka the journey taking 3 days by land cruiser but they received a very warm welcome when they arrived for Billy it was 34 yrs since he had left "Zaire" and so it was quite an emotional return.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Talking of gifts

I was just amazed last week afternoon one of the workers came to say that there was a visitor from Divuma ( a little town about 45 km away ) and he wanted to see me....... I went to see him and I discovered this gentleman bearing gifts, 2 pigeons and a cock. Apparently he had been near to death in 1995 and I had treated him and God had healed him. Recently his sons who meet at a catholic church in Divuma had been having a thanksgiving service and they had given thanks that God had spared their father all those years ago. After the service they went to their father and said now you need to take a gift to Mlle Maria at Katoka !! So he did just that and rode on his bike to bring me the gifts and then set off straight away to journey home again....wasn't that amazing!

Catching up

Did I really not do any blogging in December and January.....???? I can hardly believe how the time flies but what with the festive season and fun and vsitors coupled with poor connections due to atmostpheric problems I suppose I just gave up for a wee while. Anyway I am back and will try to do better in the next few months...meanwhiloe just a few photos to fill you in on what has been going on around here. First of all Christmas......and giving gifts...... and receiving gifts too....Oh well so much for my evening catching up... it is almost midnight and pouring with rain and I have just been called to the Maternity so I am going to have to leave it here for tonight and hopefully get back to it soon.