Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Talking of gifts

I was just amazed last week ....one afternoon one of the workers came to say that there was a visitor from Divuma ( a little town about 45 km away ) and he wanted to see me....... I went to see him and I discovered this gentleman bearing gifts, 2 pigeons and a cock. Apparently he had been near to death in 1995 and I had treated him and God had healed him. Recently his sons who meet at a catholic church in Divuma had been having a thanksgiving service and they had given thanks that God had spared their father all those years ago. After the service they went to their father and said now you need to take a gift to Mlle Maria at Katoka !! So he did just that and rode on his bike to bring me the gifts and then set off straight away to journey home again....wasn't that amazing!

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